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When you have been injured or lost a loved one in a vehicle accident, life changes forever. Discovering that alcohol or drugs were a contributing factor to the accident makes the experience even more difficult to process.
Victims of DUI accidents can seek compensation for the damages and losses they have suffered. Amicus Legal Group is committed to helping anyone hurt by a drunk driver get the justice they deserve. A skilled and understanding DUI accident attorney can help you and your family get through this very stressful and emotional time.
California has the most licensed drivers of any state in the country. As such, there are a high number of DUI-related arrests and accidents there annually. From 2009 to 2018, 9,288 people were killed in crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver in California.
Driving while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is dangerous, irresponsible and illegal. Even so, one person dies in a drunk driving accident every 50 minutes in the United States.
Nationally, drunk and drugged driving causes more than 10,000 fatalities annually, injures roughly 800 people daily, and causes 290,000 injuries annually.
One-third of all vehicle accidents involve alcohol or drug impairment. Passengers of the impaired driver are killed in 13 percent of DUI accidents, while nonoccupants of the vehicle operated by the impaired driver (other drivers, passengers, cyclists, pedestrians, etc.) are killed in 26 percent of accidents.
Driving under the influence is against the law. According to California Vehicle Code Section 23152 (a): “It is unlawful for any person who is under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug, or under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drug, to drive a vehicle.”
Such punishments, however, do little for the people who were seriously harmed by the driver’s irresponsible actions. Criminal penalties are not the only consequences available. DUI victims and their families have the right to seek monetary compensation from the at-fault driver for the losses and damages incurred in the accident.
The economic impact of a drunk driving accident cannot be understated. The estimated annual cost of alcohol-related crashes in the U.S is over $45 billion. For accident victims and their families, the potential financial losses incurred after a life-changing injury are vast.
The amount of money that can be recovered from a drunk driver varies and is influenced by things like their insurance coverage. In some cases, though, there might be other parties who share liability in the accident and can also be held responsible financially. A DUI accident attorney can help you determine who might also be responsible for the accident.
Be as observant as possible at the scene of an accident. What you observe may help prove your case.
When possible, take note of the other driver’s behavior after the accident and before the police arrive. Do they attempt to dump or hide alcohol containers? Do they use eye drops? Do they claim that a passenger was driving when this was not the case? Any of these observations could be enough to warrant a blood test.
Even when your injuries seem minor initially, the true extent of the physical damage can be obscured by adrenaline or get worse with time. The soft tissue damage commonly sustained in car accidents can be mistaken for slight soreness but be made much worse by a delay in care. This will create an official record of the extent of your injuries.
Speak with an attorney who is familiar with the intricacies of California DUI laws and civil drunk driving accident cases. An attorney will fully investigate the accident to determine liability and fight for your best interests with insurance companies and the courts.
When alcohol or drug intoxication has been established as a contributing cause of the accident that injured you or your loved one, you will be in a strong position to make your claim.
A blood test or substance-related citation or arrest against the at-fault driver after the accident would easily substantiate your case. There are still steps you should take to protect your rights and build your case.
The experienced accident attorneys of Amicus Legal Group take protecting the rights of accident victims seriously. We are committed to holding intoxicated drivers responsible for their actions and recovering fair compensation for those hurt by their actions.
If you are ready to speak with a California DUI accident lawyer about your accident, contact us for a free consultation. There are no fees until you win your case. Schedule an appointment by calling (909) 906-9040 today.
Providing the highest possible service to our clients begins with our free consultation but continues until the successful conclusion of your case.
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