(909) 588-1777
With more Californians taking to the road and paths via bicycle, bicycle accidents are on the rise. There are many common causes of bicycle accidents with a motor vehicle, and most of the common causes are all due to the reckless, careless, and negligent causes of a motorist. Our experienced Los Angeles bicycle accident lawyers explain some of these common issues so that you can better protect yourself and your family.
Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents in California
California laws afford a cyclist the same right of way as other vehicles when a designated bike lane isn’t available. And that creates problems for many when it comes to road sharing, especially given the vulnerability of the cyclist in an accident.
Most bicycle accidents in California are caused by a few things:
There are many other causes, but these are some of the most common that cyclists should be particularly aware about in order to protect their rights to compensation under California law. When you are injured in a bicycle accident, you should consult with a Los Angeles bicycle accident lawyer to discuss compensation for your injuries. For more information and a FREE case review, contact us today at (888) 588-1777. We are ready and willing to help.
At Amicus Legal Group our team is dedicated to providing the highest level of service to our clients. Whether you have been injury in an accident or charged with a crime, our team is ready to fight for you.