Drunk Driving

What are the costs of a DUI?

What are the consequences of a DUI conviction? It is important to understand that a driving while intoxicated (DUI) charge can have serious consequences aside from the court proceeding and DMV hearing. Below are some collateral consequences one should keep in mind prior to pleading guilty to a DUI. Driver's ...

What to Do After an Uber Accident

Rideshares are becoming the go-to choice of transportation in many populated areas. While this option may yield several benefits (i.e. less drunk driving and pollution), it can also result in complicated litigation should problems arise. If you are injured in or by an Uber, it is best to get an ...

How Reliable are Breathalyzer Tests?

BREATHALYZER TESTS In California, a person cannot legally operate their vehicle with a blood alcohol content level of .08 percent or higher. Police routinely use breathalyzers to prove a driver is, in fact, under the influence. If the device shows a reading of .08 percent or higher, the person will ...

Will Bankruptcy Protect Me from A Lawsuit?

Financial hardships can happen to anyone. People can find themselves unable to honor their obligations due to medical debt, job losses, and a number of other issues. In some cases, filing for bankruptcy can help you avoid certain legal woes. Here is what you need to know, and why you ...

Lawsuits for Electric Scooter Accidents

If you live in or have visited a major city in the U.S. recently, chances are good you have seen the use of electric scooters. Often referred to as dockless scooters or rideshare scooters, electric scooters have become a popular option for the eco-friendly. Popular types include brands like Bird, ...

Bankruptcy Alternatives

Anyone can find themselves dealing with debt that they can’t manage effectively. The only way to put an end to the collection calls and the sleepless nights is to come up with a plan to regain control of your finances. There are several strategies other than bankruptcy that you can ...