What is the Difference Between Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
You’re deeply in debt and there’s not enough income to keep up with your obligations. After trying everything you can think of to regain control of your finances, it’s clear that seeing a bankruptcy lawyer is the only sound solution. The means test confirms that you’re eligible for bankruptcy protection ...
READ MORE California Motorcycle Accidents: Common Causes and Liability Addressed by our LA Lawyer
As a motorcyclist, you are far more vulnerable on our California roadways. Because any accident involving a motorcyclist is subject to more severe injuries, it is important to be watchful for accidents before they happen. Our Los Angeles motorcycle accident lawyer at the Amicus Legal Group provides some common causes ...
READ MORE Why You Need an Attorney for a Motorcycle Accident
Motorcycle accidents are unique in that the injuries are almost catastrophic to the rider. Bikers do not have the same type of protection that cars and trucks provide their passengers. In 2016, the fatality rate for motorcycle accidents was nearly 6 time that of car accidents. With numbers like that, ...
READ MORE What are my Rights If I Was Hit by a Car in the Crosswalk in California?
According to CDC statistics, over 6,000 pedestrians each year are killed after being hit by a car. California, New York, and Florida account for 42% of these fatalities. This is why crossing at crosswalks and well-marked intersections is important to protecting the health of a victim. While most people do ...
READ MORE Fatal Motorcycle Crash in California: LA Wrongful Death Lawyer Explains Rights of the Family
In the United States, motorcycle fatalities happen at a rate that is 28 times higher than other vehicles. That is a big problem in California, which already has one of the highest annual accidental death rates in the country. Our Los Angeles fatal motorcycle accident lawyer knows just how dangerous ...
READ MORE Common Spinal Cord Injuries from a Motorcycle Accident in California
Motorcyclists are not well-protected. They do not have seatbelts, side curtains, airbags, or even a crunch zone of the walls of a vehicle around them. Rather, a motorcyclist is almost completely exposed to whatever impact occurs. This means that victims get the full brunt of the impact and force. That ...