Hit by a Driver Making an Unsafe Lane Change
Drivers making unsafe lane changes are one of the most common causes of car accidents on our roadways. Our Los Angeles unsafe lane change accident lawyer knows just how dangerous and devastating these types of collisions can be in California. This is particularly true on fast-moving highways and interstates. An ...
READ MORE Los Angeles Tire Blowout Lawyer For 18-Wheeler Wrecks
Trucking accidents in Los Angeles cause many unfortunate deaths and injuries each year. One of the most common causes of these accidents is tire blowouts. Our Los Angeles tire blowout accident lawyers know that blowouts from an 18 wheeler will often result in debris flying out into surrounding traffic. Depending ...
READ MORE Sideswiped by a Car: California Bicycle Accident Lawyer Explains Rights
Here in California, our weather is conducive to cycling for much of the year. With the continued trend in cycling, accidents involving bicycles continue to rise. As some of the most vulnerable individuals sharing the road, bicyclists are protected under many laws here. And yet, accidents do happen and the ...
READ MORE How do I Pay for Medical Bills in a California Hit and Run Accident?
Here in California, a hit and run accident is when one of the involved drivers leaves the scene of an accident. The only exception is when a driver has left the scene to get medical care either for himself or for someone else involved. Hit and run accidents raise many ...
READ MORE Costs of a Personal Injury Lawyer in California
If you have never used a lawyer before, the process can seem intimidating. There is often a negative reputation associated with attorney fees but the truth would surprise most. If you need an attorney, do not let the issue of cost get in the way of your decision to hire ...
READ MORE Can I File Bankruptcy Without an Attorney?
Facing financial difficulty has a way of affecting every aspect of your life. Bankruptcy appears to be practical. One thought that’s crossed your mind has to do with representation. Do you really need an attorney to handle the bankruptcy? The answer is no. You can choose to represent yourself. This ...